Saturday, 8 June 2013

And so the end is nigh!!!

On 3rd June we had a slow start and walked back down to the car at about 11am.  Having felt pretty rotten as we walked up it was nice to notice the wonderful scenery and the light as we returned down the 900 feet to the car park at the bottom of the hill.  Actually it is by no means the bottom as we descended for many miles before we reached the river in the bottom of the valley but by now we were in the car so it was easy.

Well actually it was anything but easy as the road is dreadful.  Landslides, road works and a very high river level made for an anxious drive for a good part of the drive back to the place where we had left our cases.  One landslide had almost blocked the road and we were beginning to hope that we had left enough time to get to the airport for our flight to Hong Kong.

We had left enough time and it was a sad farewell to Helen and our driver who we had spent some lovely days with.

Helens enthusiasm for life and her job never went below nuclear.  I imagine if you were not a happy soul yourself as we are for 99% of the time, she would be exhausting but we found her charming and a wonderful guide and were sorry to say goodbye.

At the airport we hoped the flight would be on time as my cousin Ruy and his wife Karen were meeting us in Hong Kong and we were really looking forward to meeting them.  The plane did leave and arrive pretty much on time and this brought to an end the part of our trip organised in advance for us.

So a big thank you to Rail Select and to Audleys who made the arrangements.  Rail Select did the bit up to Moscow and Audleys on to Hong Kong.  They never said you should do this another way or it would be better if you went here first.  They just took Grandpas Diary and made the arrangements for us to follow it as closely as you know we did. 

We are now finishing our trip with a few days with Ruy and Karen and are looking forward to it very much 

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