Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Silver linings

Thursday 30th May

Yesterday we had a quiet day and in the afternoon went to the airport to fly to Guilin for a few days in the countryside and the mountains.  Just for a change the plane was late!! No information was available and we arrived to be met by Helen who will be our last guide and taken to our hotel.

Helen is from the Zhuang Minority Group and she is very enthusiastic.   We were to find out over the next four days that for Helen everything is wonderful, beautiful, lucky, happy!  Nothing at all over the whole time we were with her was anything other than perfect! Even when it rained---it will make the air clearer, or was foggy------when the sun comes out it will be better etc.

As you will see although it was a great few days, it did rain, it was misty at times, there were some less than nice people and it was also baking hot at times with no shelter from the sun!

As we drove to our hotel Helen sang us a folk song from her village and promised to sing more tomorrow!

This is the second time this has happened and it is interesting to hear women of her age who still keep to the traditions of their groups.  I would expect it in older people but with people like Helen supporting the traditions they may not die out as quickly as we think.

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