Monday, 10 June 2013

One last day

Friday 7th June

Today is the last day of this great adventure.  Ruy and Karen suggested that we drive to an area of old rice paddy fields and have a walk.  This we did and it was quite amazing.  There were little hamlets with quite large houses. Some were occupied and others not but they were surrounded by overgrown paddy fields that had not been farmed for many years. There was a path through the area which wound through the old field system and alongside a stream. The sun was hot and we were glad of the dappled light to reduce the glare.

We heard and saw many new birds.  These include the red winged crested cuckoo. Karen and Ruy are very experienced birdwatchers and this  bird can be enticed into the open by imitating its call. Karen did this expertly and sure enough it came very close to us. Ruy thought it might think that Karen was a competing male and might attack. It is 16" so a big bird and a fly past might have been very alarming!!

Ruy could see it but without experience we couldn't but we certainly heard it responding to Karen. Amazing!

We also saw some wonderful butterflies in brilliant colours.  I was able to get some good photos. See gallery.  It was a terrific walk and we loved it. Really hot though and we were glad to repair to the Jockey Club for lunch (like you do)

A lovely visit to an elegant place. We were glad of the cool interior after our walk. One of the family connections I had recently discovered is that the San Miguel Brewery was started in the Philippines by an ancestor!! Yes the stuff you might drink when you are on holiday in the Med.  The one to look for is the one still bottled in the Philippines which they had in their list at the Jockey Club so of course I tried some and very nice it is too!

Back to the house where we went through some more photos and recorded them so I can look at them when I get home.

Nelson is really looking so much better since we got here.  Hopefully he will continue to improve and hold his own with the other dogs in the family!

We had a look round Ruy and Karen's garden which is partly garden and mainly jungle!!

There is some lawn and a 3060 year old stone circle (yes you read that correctly!)  When Ruys parents built the house 60 years go they had some excavation done in the stone circle and found that it was 3000 years old then.  They have no idea what it was for but it is at the top of the mountain so in a prominent position.  Very interesting.

They also have a pool which at this time of the year has tadpoles in it and won't be cleaned out till they have grown up. 

Apart from the cultivated bits and the lawn the garden is wild and has boar, snakes, civet, monkeys, deer, tree frogs, etc. etc. etc. Quite an adventure to go out in it!! We didn't!

There are also many many no-see-ums which bit my legs unmercifully in the short time we were out there.

From the garden there are wonderful views through the trees of the islands in the bay far below. 

What a wonderful place to live. Ruy and Karen spend much time and energy trying to protect this lovely corner of the New Territories against developers. Long may they be successful.

After supper we drove to the airport where we bid a fond farewell to our new found cousins.  What a wonderful time we have had in Hong Kong.  So much to see, so much to talk abut and so much to look forward to when we see them again.

It is not possible to say how much we have enjoyed this last part of our trip.  Thank you Ruy and Karen for being such great hosts. Come and see us in England as soon as you can bear to leave the beautiful place that is your home.

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