Tuesday 14 May 2013

Push off

When we got to the station in Changchun this morning and Isabella had seen us off we were sitting in the waiting area, more of which later, when a fight broke out! We thought that what was happening was that the cleaning staff were being allocated their jobs for the day and a dispute broke out.
Ladies were squabbling very loudly whilst the male gang just stood around ignoring them. The shouts rang out round the huge spacious waiting area. Suddenly one of the women started pushing one of the men around and screeching loudly. It was an extraordinary sight!
A little later when all was calm we saw the result of the argument. One woman was smugly driving up and down the already shiny hall on a mobility scooter like vehicle with polishing pads at front and back and the shouty one was pushing a trolley into the loos to clean them.
If looks could kill the polishing lady would be dead and buried.

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