Sunday 26 May 2013

The Temple of Heaven - a Heavenly Temple

Saturday 25th May
On the way to the airport we spent almost two hours at the Temple of heaven
This is a beautiful place.
First we walked though the gardens where we saw hundreds of people mostly less young exercising.  Tai Chai, Dancing, a sort of sword dance, a game they place with a big weighted shuttlecock where they keep it in the air by kicking it to each other and many many different things. 
In the gardens they can come and they do come every day to exercise in the quiet and peaceful surroundings.  There are flowering trees which smell wonderful and the whole place is tranquil in spite of all the activity.
We saw some people doing reflexology by walking in soft shoes over cobbles laid out in a big circle.  They walked round and round and it did not seem to hurt at all.
We walked in the even more tranquil part of the garden where people were just sitting reading and looking.  Tone spends quite a lot of time on the boat "just looking" so he recognised what they were doing immediately.
And then by the way there was The Temple of Heaven itself
A round structure. Pics to follow. Charlie has told me he is managing to upload the blogs but not the pics so they will follow when he can. 
The Temple of Heaven is absolutely wonderful. Round, wooden and built with no nails.  It stands on a mound and is above any other building in Beijing.  It is Heavenly and to think it has been here since 1421!  Again awesome
I had not used that word since I saw the Grand Canyon!
Sadly this brought an end our visit to Beijing and we went out to the airport to get the plane to Xian.
Will it be on time???
It was and we flew to Xian in just under two hours.

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